Paloma CastilloAutorretrato en las Nubes, 2024Hand-embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres58 x 40 cm
Paloma CastilloDivina, 2024Hand-embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres74 x 58 cm
Paloma CastilloEjercicio 1, 2024Hand-embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres27 x 16 cmSold
Paloma CastilloEjercicio 2, 2024Hand-embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres24 x 16 cm450.000 CLP (framed)
Paloma CastilloEjercicio 3, 2024Hand-embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres25 x 17 cm380.000 CLP (framed)
Paloma CastilloEl Rey Está Desnudo, 2024Hand-embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres76.5 x 70.5 cm
Paloma CastilloIt's My Rock!, 2024Hand embroidery with cotton threads and beads on osnaburg90 x 70 cm
Paloma CastilloLa Mujer Abstracta, 2024Hand-embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres82 x 54 cm
Paloma CastilloMaría del Rosario, 2024Hand-embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres63.5 x 57 cm
Paloma CastilloMedieval, 2024Hand-embroidery on cotton29.5 x 37.5 cm
Paloma CastilloAntes, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres44 x 59 cmSold
Paloma CastilloBurka, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres38 x 26 cm
Paloma CastilloCe n'est pas l'Argentina, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres24.5 x 42 cm
Paloma CastilloChile is Burning, 2023Hand-embroidery with cotton threads and sequins on synthetic fibre27.2 x 42.2 cmSold
Paloma CastilloDevenir Vampiro, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on synthetic fibre61 x 40,5 cm
Paloma CastilloDomingo en la Noche, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres62 x 41,5 cm
Paloma CastilloFlâneur, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres39,5 x 26 cm
Paloma CastilloHefesto, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres40 x 25.5 cm
Paloma CastilloLa Caída, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg82 x 67.5 cm1.600.000 CLP
Paloma CastilloLa Visión, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg80 x 64.5 cm
Paloma CastilloLas Cosas del Querer, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg88 x 65 cm
Paloma CastilloOvidio o el Ígneo Resplandor, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on synthetic fibre82 x 54 cmUSD 2,400.00
Paloma CastilloPikachu, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres24.5 x 42 cm
Paloma CastilloPresente, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres, framed44 x 55 cm
55.5 x 75 cm framedSold -
Paloma CastilloRes Non Verba, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on synthetic fibre50 x 89 cmSold
Paloma CastilloRetrato de un Autorretrato, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric80.5 x 61 cm
Paloma CastilloSelfi 2, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads on synthetic fibre62.5 x 40 cmSold
Paloma CastilloSerpiente, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads and sequins on osnaburg90.5 x 64 cm
Paloma CastilloSincretismo, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads and sequins on osnaburg60 x 60 cmSold
Paloma CastilloUna Gracia, 2023Hand embroidery with cotton threads, beads and sequins on mixed fibres104 x 63 cm
Paloma CastilloAcción de Dominar, 2022Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric91 x 63 cmSold
Paloma CastilloBrisa Nuclear, 2022Hand embroidery with cotton threads and sequins on mixed fibres fabric105.5 x 62.5 cmUSD 2,400.00
Paloma CastilloEspíritu del Agua, 2022Hand embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg98 x 96 cmSold
Paloma CastilloEspíritu Tutelar, 2022Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric101 x 85 cmUSD 2,800.00
Paloma CastilloPrejuicio, 2022Hand embroidery with cotton threads and beads on mixed fibres fabric91 x 83 cmSold
Paloma CastilloSalgan 1, 2022Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric61.5 x 46.5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloSalgan 2, 2022Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric61.5 x 46.5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloSelfi, 2022Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric81 x 90 cmSold
Paloma CastilloSin Título, 2022Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric44 x 30.5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloSufragista, 2022Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen93 x 57 cmUSD 2,400.00
Paloma Castillo#, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute41.5 x 27.5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloAd Hominem, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen43 x 65,5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloAgripina, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute51 x 36,5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloAlgoritmo, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton59.4 x 51.4 cmSold
Paloma CastilloAtrás, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on blue jute86,5 x 56 cmSold
Paloma CastilloBandera, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen21.5 x 22 cmSold
Paloma CastilloBrigada, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute46,5 x 99 cm
Paloma CastilloBucólica I, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute41.5 x 40 cmSold
Paloma CastilloBucólica II, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute40 x 40 cmSold
Paloma CastilloBucólica III, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute30.5 x 39 cmSold
Paloma CastilloCalígula, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute48,5 x 34 cmSold
Paloma CastilloDeidad, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen106 x 63 cm
Paloma CastilloDidus Ineptus, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen60 x 71,5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloEl Hombre Cósmico, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute39 x 40 cm
Paloma CastilloEva, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads and sequins on linen127 x 66 cm
Paloma CastilloIquique, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute
Framed39 x 30 cmUSD 1,000.00 -
Paloma CastilloJoven, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen25.6 x 21 cmSold
Paloma CastilloMirar, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on blue jute51.5 x 37.5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloNadar, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton27 x 19,5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloNN, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute39 x 41.5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloNube, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen29 x 11.5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloOír, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen28.5 x 25 cmSold
Paloma CastilloPata Doméstica, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen62 x 70 cmSold
Paloma CastilloPink Rana, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute. Framed36 x 68 cmUSD 1,600.00
Paloma CastilloPop Life, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute
Framed45 x 27.5 cmUSD 1,000.00 -
Paloma CastilloSatélites, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton51,4 x 59 cmSold
Paloma CastilloTrampa I, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen27 x 41,5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloTrampa II, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen42,5 x 28 cmSold
Paloma CastilloTrampa III, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen25.5 x 25 cmSold
Paloma CastilloVisto, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen63.5 x 43.5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloWar, 2021Hand embroidery with cotton threads on blue jute52.5 x 38.5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloAbducidos, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton fabric87 x 53 cmSold
Paloma CastilloAdán antes de la Costilla, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton fabric124 x 65 cmSold
Paloma CastilloCompañero, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute50 x 38.5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloConferencia, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen66 x 42 cmSold
Paloma CastilloEl Olimpo I, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute52 x 39 cmSold
Paloma CastilloEl Olimpo II, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute54 x 41 cmSold
Paloma CastilloEl Príncipe, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute52 x 39 cmSold
Paloma CastilloEspacio I, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton and silk threads on jute52 x 41 cmSold
Paloma CastilloEspacio II, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute52 x 41 cmSold
Paloma CastilloEx Post, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute38,5 x 52 cmSold
Paloma CastilloIdentificado, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton fabric84 x 52 cmSold
Paloma CastilloLa Caja, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton fabric88 x 54 cmSold
Paloma CastilloLa Cocinera de Palacio, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen88 x 59 cmSold
Paloma CastilloLa Tierra I, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute52 x 41 cmSold
Paloma CastilloLa Tierra II, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute51 x 41 cmSold
Paloma CastilloMadame, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen64 x 40 cmSold
Paloma CastilloMolotov, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute52 x 39 cmSold
Paloma CastilloPan, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads and sequins on osnaburg84 x 63 cmUSD 2,400.00
Paloma CastilloUbicado, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute52 x 41 cmSold
Paloma CastilloVanitas, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute52 x 41 cm
Paloma Castillo¡Oh!, 2020Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton fabric60 x 52 cmSold
Paloma CastilloAmor a Primera Vista, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric25,5 x 41,5 cm
Sold -
Paloma CastilloCámara de Vigilancia, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric26 x 28 cm
Paloma CastilloCaptura, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric41,5 x 23,5 cmUSD 800.00
Paloma CastilloCómeme, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute fabric42 x 28 cmSold
Paloma CastilloConejo, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric27,5 x 18,5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloEl Reflejo de tus Rayos, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric40 x 41,5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloEscape, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric26 x 40 cmUSD 600.00
Paloma CastilloEstallido, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen89 x 62 cmUSD 2,200.00
Paloma CastilloHomenaje a Jim Dine, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric39 x 21 cmSold
Paloma CastilloJirafa, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen29 x 20 cmSold
Paloma CastilloLa Prensa, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg fabric87,5 x 60 cmSold
Paloma CastilloLeda y el Cisne, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton and mixed fibres fabric56 x 59,5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloMadre e Hija, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen42,5 x 28 cm
Sold -
Paloma CastilloModernidad, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen28 x 29 cmSold
Paloma CastilloMr. Músculos, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton fabric82.5 x 57 cm
Paloma CastilloNáufragos, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric42,5 x 40 cmSold
Paloma CastilloPaisaje I, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen29 x 20 cmSold
Paloma CastilloPaisaje II, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric21,5 x 41 cmSold
Paloma CastilloReina, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton and mixed fibres fabric65 x 48 cmSold
Paloma CastilloRey, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric26 x 19 cmSold
Paloma CastilloSalvaje, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen27,5 x 19,5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloUslero, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on jute fabric27 x 42 cmUSD 900.00
Paloma CastilloVenus I, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric42,5 x 26,5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloVenus II, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on mixed fibres fabric39,5 x 55 cmSold
Paloma CastilloVigilados, 2019Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton and mixed fibres fabric110 x 71 cmSold
Paloma CastilloAraña de Rincón, 2018Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton and mixed fibres fabric69 x 44 cmUSD 1,400.00
Paloma CastilloDiosa, 2018Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen110 x 60,5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloEl Azul de tu Mirar, 2018Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton and mixed fibres fabric65,5 x 48 cmSold
Paloma CastilloGato, 2018Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton and mixed fibres fabric49 x 64 cmSold
Paloma CastilloIluminado, 2018Hand embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg fabric90 x 64 cmSold
Paloma CastilloNacimiento, 2018Hand embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg fabric83,5 x 84 cmSold
Paloma CastilloOso, 2018Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton and mixed fibres fabric66 x 48,5 cmUSD 1,400.00
Paloma CastilloPaisaje, 2018Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen68,5 x 72,5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloPatria o Muerte, 2018Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton fabric47 x 66 cmSold
Paloma CastilloProfundidades, 2018Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton and mixed fibres fabric71,5 x 45 cmUSD 1,400.00
Paloma CastilloUntitled, 2018Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton and mixed fibres fabric66 x 47 cmUSD 1,600.00
Paloma CastilloEl Ego, 2017Hand embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg fabric, 2 pieces144 x 62 cm
Paloma CastilloSagrado, 2017Hand embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg fabric132 x 64 cm
Paloma CastilloSagrado Enchufe, 2017Hand embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg fabric85,5 x 46 cm
Paloma CastilloSin Título (Escudo), 2017Hand embroidery with cotton threads on linen86 x 98,5 cm
Sold -
Paloma CastilloCostilla de Adán, 2016Hand-embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg103 x 112 cm
Paloma CastilloMadres II, 2016Hand-embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg98 x 95 cmSold
Paloma CastilloMadres III, 2016Hand-embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg105 x 98 cm
Paloma CastilloPedro, 2016Hand embroidery with cotton threads on cotton fabric83.5 x 76.5 cmSold
Paloma CastilloMadres I, 2015Hand-embroidery with cotton threads on osnaburg110 x 76 cmSold