Daniel Guajardo Chilean, b. 1998

Daniel Guajardo is a visual artist with a Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts from the Universidad Diego Portales (Chile).
Growing up in the globalised world of the 2000s, Daniel was constantly surrounded by screens at home, whether it was a television or a computer. This environment led to his fascination with blockbuster cinema, video game consoles, and the Internet.
His imaginary draws inspiration from the images produced in the context of late capitalism, namely those that circulate massively in our local and global environment. His interest is focused on reflecting, through his subjectivity, the influence of these icons in contemporary culture from different aesthetics, coming mainly from a digital source. 
Daniel explores these themes primarily through painting, in which he emphasises the use of matter, colour and the search for new narrative forms in the pictorial support, understanding it as an active object in its entirety. Additionally, he works in drawing, video and sculpture. 
He has taken part in group exhibitions in venues throughout Chile, including the Museum of Visual Arts, Matucana 100 and Isabel Croxatto Galería. In 2023, he received an honourable mention in the XVI MAVI UC Young Art Prize.
Daniel Guajardo lives and works in Santiago, Chile.