Isabel Croxatto Galería presents ICG+


Isabel Croxatto Galería, international platform for contemporary art based in Santiago, Chile, presents its new virtual gallery ICG+, which will open with the solo show After Nature by Andrea Wolf, Chilean artist based in New York. The exhibition can be visited online as of 30 September.

Amidst the new reality brought by the pandemic, Isabel Croxatto Galería offers a new exhibition space: ICG+, a virtual gallery with four exhibition rooms that will host a programme specially designed for an online experience. The 3D architecture project and virtual experience design have been developed by the interdisciplinary collective, and co-financed by ProChile, Chile’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ agency for the promotion of Chilean industries abroad.

With ICG+, Isabel Croxatto Galería furthers its project of presenting contemporary art online, which began last April with Coco González Lohse's El Turista, the first 100% digital exhibition created in Chile.

Regarding this new space, Isabel Croxatto, gallery director, comments: ‘These days of social isolation and silence gave us the possibility for modelling new virtual diffusion and circulation scenarios, adding value to the proposals of our artists. Being a virtual space, ICG+ has the gift of ubiquity, and in terms of mediation it challenges us to share the aesthetics, politics and poetics of art in new ways, being able to reach audiences and art markets around the world in real time. In this sense, After Nature will be a global opening’.


Welcome to ICG+

23 September 2020
of 138