Isabel Croxatto Galería | ICG+ Online Launching Event

Event | Santiago Chile - Miami, USA - New York City, USA

Isabel Croxatto Galería presented its new virtual gallery, ICG+, with an online launching event featuring the pre-opening for its inaugural exhibition, After Nature by Andrea Wolf.

The online launching event was held on Wednesday 30 September, 2020, live through the GoToWebinar platform, and included the participation of Isabel Croxatto, gallery founder and director; Jorge O'Ryan, ProChile General Director; Germán Rocca, Trade Commissioner at ProChile Miami; and New York-based Chilean artist Andrea Wolf.

Amidst the new reality brought by the pandemic, Isabel Croxatto Galería offers a new exhibition space: ICG+, a virtual gallery with four exhibition rooms that will host a programme specially designed for an online experience. The 3D architecture project and virtual experience design have been developed by the interdisciplinary collective, and co-financed by ProChile, Chile’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ agency for the promotion of Chilean industries abroad.


Welcome to ICG+


Watch the online launching event below (in Spanish, English subtitles coming soon).

7 October 2020
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